What Educators are saying:
To Whom it May Concern: 10-12-2002
It is a privilege to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Bill Nemoyten, the “Hornman”. . . His presentation was both interesting and fun for the students, who range in age from five to twelve. Bill has a sense of how to tailor the presentation to the interest of the students, always interesting and never too dry. The educational component was clear and effective… I recommend Bill and his wife , who assists him, without reservation. Please contact me directly should you have any questions. Bob Bilek, Principal, Santa Lucia School, King City, CA (831)385-3246 |
Dear Bill, 5-22-2000
Thank you so much for visiting our elementary schools and sharing your expertise of such a variety of horns with the students of Collier County. The assemblies were very educational and enjoyable for not only the students but also the adults. ….The students in Collier County can select to join a band class when they reach middle school. I am sure your visit will encourage students to sign up to play a horn in band…. Everyone loved your program and I look forward to seeing several of the schools request you to visit again next year. Connie Stephenson, Coordinator Fine Arts K-12, Collier Cnty. Schools, Naples, Fla. (941-) 436-6530 |
Dear Mr. “Hornman”, 1-29-2002
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your wonderful horn presentation. The students came away from your performance with knowledge of the history of horns and information of the instrument’s country origin. You were able to hold our student’s attention throughout the entire program. This is no easy feat. Very commendable! We would love to have you return to perform next fall. Jamie Gregory, teacher, New Way Learning Academy, Scottsdale, AZ. (480) 946-9112 newway@phnx.uswest.net |
Dear Bill, 6-30-2001
I am writing on behalf of the students and teachers at Donlon Elementary School in Pleasanton, CA.. We would like to thank you very much for coming to our school this past May to perform for us. The assemblies were not only entertaining, but also educational. We all learned a lot about the different horns you played…..We loved ‘playing’ along with you on several pieces. We will look forward to having you come back to our school in the future. Susan M. Klas, Music Teacher, Pleasanton Unified School District |
Dear Bill Nemoyten, 11-15-1999
Thank you so much for your assembly on instruments of the Horn Family. From Conch Shell to Alp Horn, you had a rapt audience of very interested students. I know your impact on the students was positive. Further, your showmanship added to the enjoyment of the demonstrations. There is no doubt you enjoy your music and display a tremendous talent. Again, thank you for being here and bringing the wealth of your talent and horn collection to the attention of our students. James Rogers, Principal, Linda Mar Elementary School, Pacifica, CA. (650) 738-6670 |
To Whom it May Concern: 4-17-2000
The students are enjoying it…anxious to share what they already know about this instrument…now they’re asking questions. Next comes the Shofar. Wow, that really sounds cool. I’m hooked. What’s this guy going to play next? Mr. And Mrs. Nemoyten present an engaging and informative workshop. I strongly recommend this opportunity to any and all… The facets of this jewel include generation, culture, history and music. There’s St. Nick and then there’s the Hornman…come on, it’s a beautiful thing. Curt Anthon, Teacher, New School for the Arts, Tempe, AZ (480) 481-9235 |
What Students are saying:
“This is one of the best performances I have ever seen in this school. I think you have persuaded me to like music. I had never liked music .I thought music was not so cool as it is. I had a very fun time listening to you” … Sandy
“Your visit made me really take an interest in music… you are an excellent horn player… I really admire your talent”… Cassie
“Thank you for your awesome performance. I hope you come back with more instruments from around the world”…Allen
“I learned that horns can be made from things around us, as in nature. That was very educational”…Abdalla
“I liked how you played songs and let us sing and clap along instead of just talking about it. You are really nice and funny. You put on a great show”…Brittany
“I REALLY ENJOYED THE SPECIAL PROGRAM. YOU HAVE CONVINCED ME TO START TROMBONE.I AM SO EXCITED TO START”…KATIE “I am amazed how many different horns you can play. I wish you were my music teacher. I think you inspired me to play an instrument, just like you”…David “I was truly amazed at how big the Alpine horn was. It’s even bigger than almost 2 Michael Jordans put together. Your performance was out of this world”…Brandon “Thanks for showing and playing your horns to us. I will always remember you and your horns. You were right when you said it feels good to say ‘Dijeridu’. That’s the way I remember you. Thank you”…Hector |