We take your audience on an historical, geographical and ethnic journey with fifteen exciting instruments, some very unusual. These include a South Seas Conch Shell, Biblical Antelope Horn, Australian Didgeridoo, Tibetan Ran-Dung, Bugle, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Baritone, Tuba, 12 ft. long Swiss Alp Horn and a “Hose-A-Phone”
The Hornman plays instruments from 5 continents. He talks of his travels, the peoples, cultures and their music. The audience is encouraged to participate with clapping and mimicking of the horns. Hear unusual and traditional horns performed with expertise, artistry and good humor. The music ranges from classics to jazz, gospel and folk songs.
Bill Nemoyten, a musician and educator with a lifetime of experience as an instrumental music teacher and performer, has created a lively, educational, fun-filled program your residents will love to see and hear.
Program Length: The 45 to 60 minute program is fast-paced with lots of audience participation and surprises!
Requirements: A 6 foot table, a P.A. system and an electric outlet.
Fee: Affordable and negotiable. Please call or email for a quote.
Biographical Information:Bill Nemoyten started his instrumental music studies with the trombone in 1940. He has performed with and conducted concert, marching, circus and jazz bands, orchestras, combos and ensembles of all kinds in hundreds of places. He regularly performs on and has taught trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium and tuba. Bill holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Music Education and has been a music educator in one way or another for 60 years!
Here is a portion of the Hornman Show as presented to the residents of the Peninsula Regent retirement complex in San Mateo, CA in 2010.